Bridge International School
Affiliated to Cambridge International Examinations
University of Cambridge, UK
The ICTRC (The Institute of counsellor training research and consultancy) organized an intriguing Summit of school principals conference at Hotel Hindustan international Kolkata on the 13th of September 2023. Project paradigm introduced an interesting concept of school to Prison where Principals and delegates of different schools understood the importance of Discipline right at the inception of School to ensure the wellbeing of all individuals in the society.
The session was extremely interesting with some reasons of burnouts and stress amongst students and teachers elucidated in various ways and methods. Integral issues like Micro aggression, zero tolerance were discussed and how humanising school discipline is the need of the hour for all schools. Various disciplinary issues and prevention and management techniques were discussed. The importance of equipping teachers with counselling skills were also discussed in details in the seminar. HCL tech along with ICTRC has an interesting course called ‘Start your global tech career’ which brought light to the need of employability as well. Different learning styles were spoken about which made everybody come to an understanding of different ways to ensure discipline in an affirmative yet understanding manner.
Teacher as a counsellor was a study that was effectively looked into and ICTRC even highlighted on some amazing courses that could build upon a strong and effective community of counsellors amongst schools, equipped with the best tools of counseling supervised under them. The entire day was exhilarating with eminent speakers like Mr Aditya, Mr. Keshav Singh and others who brought in the correct blend of mirth and vast knowledge.
The Summit was par excellence with Principals and delegates and everybody appreciated this thought provoking and indelible experience. Such initiatives are truly much appreciated and is truly the need of the hour for the modern era of schools.
Bridge International School is an English medium, co-educational, day school following the Cambridge International Examinations Board.