HomeInvestiture Ceremony, Indian & Korean Independence Day and Graduation Day celebration
On 14th August 2024, Bridge International School celebrated Indian and Korean Independence Day.
BIS  believes in cultural diversity and so the Indian and Korean flag was held high as they both share the same  Independence Day. 
Teachers and students paid tribute to the country with patriotic songs and dances. Classes XI and XII organised a panel discussion on what is freedom and a special quiz on both Indian and Korean Independence day.
 The day started  with the welcome song, Graduation Day celebration of UKG students going to Class 1, Korean and Indian traditional dance and songs.
Thereafter, the Investiture Ceremony  of the new office bearers for 2024-2025 was held. This was followed by the Prize distribution ceremony of LKG – Class XII.
BIS also organised a coffee meet with parents of Classes LKG UKG and Class 1.
Though it was a hectic day, but it was filled with excitement and joy.
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