Bridge International School
Affiliated to Cambridge International Examinations
University of Cambridge, UK
We congratulate our achievers. All have consistently performed well and Bridge International School feels proud of them. Nevertheless here is a list of our achievers : –
Mrittika Chatterjee
Mrittika Chatterjee has obtained 89% the highest mark in India for Cambridge International AS Level Psychology for the session June 2013 Cambridge examinations.
Loren Mary Joseph
Loren Mary Joseph in English Language for securing 92% & 91% in Literature in English in Cambridge International ‘O’ Level for the session June 2012 Cambridge examinations.
Arnold Chukwuemeka
Arnold Chukwuemeka Oparanozie in English Language for securing 93%, 89% in Biology, 87% in Chemistry, 85% in Physics & 85% in Maths in Cambridge International ‘O’ Level for the session June 2012 Cambridge examinations.
Sriya Chowdhury
Sriya Chowdhury in English Language for securing 100% in English Language in Cambridge International ‘O’ Level for the session June 2010 Cambridge examinations.
Donghwa Lee
Pass out of 2020-2021 Batch Taken admission in NUS – National University of Singapore She got selected in these Universities: – *Wheaton College, Illinois * Baylor College, Texas * Temple University, Philadelphia *Yale – NUS College
Adrika Sengupta
B.A in psychology honours (Loreto college) M.A in Social Work in Mental Health (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai)
“Bridge International School was to me a very important catalyst that helped me hone my talents and skills, allowed me to fine-tune myself academically and also played a great role in helping to shape my overall personality. I met some of the most wonderful people I know, in the form of teachers, who were a constant source of support, encouragement and affection. It was the perfect stepping stone to all that I achieved after that, mainly, a very confident and happy self. The school enables every child to retain their own uniqueness while facilitating the realization of their true potential. I personally have been enriched as a result of being in this school and hope many others like me shine on…”
Our A Level student, Rimpa Saha, got her painting selected for an Exhibition at Gorky Sadan. The Show was inaugurated on the 4th of November, 2022 Friday.
Bridge International School is an English medium, co-educational, day school following the Cambridge International Examinations Board.