

We congratulate our achievers. All have consistently performed well and Bridge International School feels proud of them. Nevertheless here is a list of our achievers : –

Mrittika Chatterjee
Mrittika Chatterjee has obtained 89% the highest mark in India for Cambridge International AS Level Psychology for the session June 2013 Cambridge examinations.

Loren Mary Joseph
Loren Mary Joseph in English Language for securing 92% & 91% in Literature in English in Cambridge International ‘O’ Level for the session June 2012 Cambridge examinations.

Arnold Chukwuemeka
Arnold Chukwuemeka Oparanozie in English Language for securing 93%, 89% in Biology, 87% in Chemistry, 85% in Physics & 85% in Maths in Cambridge International ‘O’ Level for the session June 2012 Cambridge examinations.

Sriya Chowdhury
Sriya Chowdhury in English Language for securing 100% in English Language in Cambridge International ‘O’ Level for the session June 2010 Cambridge examinations.


Donghwa Lee
Pass out of 2020-2021 Batch Taken admission in NUS – National University of Singapore She got selected in these Universities: – *Wheaton College, Illinois * Baylor College, Texas * Temple University, Philadelphia *Yale – NUS College

Adrika Sengupta
B.A in psychology honours (Loreto college) M.A in Social Work in Mental Health (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai)

“Bridge International School was to me a very important catalyst that helped me hone my talents and skills, allowed me to fine-tune myself academically and also played a great role in helping to shape my overall personality. I met some of the most wonderful people I know, in the form of teachers, who were a constant source of support, encouragement and affection. It was the perfect stepping stone to all that I achieved after that, mainly, a very confident and happy self. The school enables every child to retain their own uniqueness while facilitating the realization of their true potential. I personally have been enriched as a result of being in this school and hope many others like me shine on…”

We take pride in

Ushangsu Paul of class XI, Under-19, Badminton Champion, Howrah District Championship
Our A Level student, Arushi Das, got her painting selected for an Exhibition at Gorky Sadan. The Show was inaugurated on the 4th of November, 2022 Friday.

Our A Level student, Rimpa Saha, got her painting selected for an Exhibition at Gorky Sadan. The Show was inaugurated on the 4th of November, 2022 Friday.

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